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Harney County Youth Livestock Show & Auction

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Viewing records 301-350 of 829
Results last updated at: 12/23/2024 1:32 PM
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
100 - Youth Livestock Show & Auction / Poultry - Market Turkey / 040: Market Turkey Rate of Gain
103 Rankin, Kenzie 853 3rd Harney Feathery Friends
167 Frank, Robert "Will" 931 1st Champion Market Turkey Rate of Gain Harney Harney Horns and Hooves
100 - Youth Livestock Show & Auction / Poultry - Showmanship / 001: Chicken Showmanship - Junior
18 Weideman, Eli 34 Blue Harney Feathery Friends
20 Weideman, Parker 46 Blue Harney Feathery Friends
36 Hodge, Ollie 206 2nd Reserve Grand Champion Chicken Showmanship Harney Feathery Friends
36 Hodge, Ollie 206 Blue 2nd Harney Feathery Friends
88 Chavez , Aurora 460 Blue Harney Feathery Friends
103 Rankin, Kenzie 551 1st Grand Champion Turkey Showmanship Harney Feathery Friends
103 Rankin, Kenzie 551 Blue 1st Harney Feathery Friends
178 Washington, Donte 989 Blue Harney Feathery Friends
100 - Youth Livestock Show & Auction / Poultry - Showmanship / 005: Turkey Showmanship - Junior
103 Rankin, Kenzie 552 2nd Reserve Grand Champion Turkey Showmanship Harney Feathery Friends
103 Rankin, Kenzie 552 Blue 2nd Harney Feathery Friends
167 Frank, Robert "Will" 929 1st Grand Champion Turkey Showmanship Harney Harney Horns and Hooves
167 Frank, Robert "Will" 929 Blue 1st Harney Harney Horns and Hooves
100 - Youth Livestock Show & Auction / Poultry - Showmanship / 006: Turkey Showmanship - Intermediate
102 Rankin, Reese 851 1st Reserve Grand Champion Turkey Showmanship Harney Feathery Friends
102 Rankin, Reese 851 Blue 1st Harney Feathery Friends
100 - Youth Livestock Show & Auction / Poultry - Showmanship / 008: Turkey Showmanship - Pee Wee
170 Frank, Elsie 932 Blue Pee Wee Champion Turkey Showmanship Harney Independent
100 - Youth Livestock Show & Auction / Rabbits - Agility / 001: Rabbit Agility - Junior
121 Cox, Evelynn 670 Blue Junior Champion Rabbit Agility Harney Busy Bunnies
100 - Youth Livestock Show & Auction / Rabbits - Agility / 004: Rabbit Agility - Pee Wee
89 Keerins, Jospeh 480 Blue Harney Busy Bunnies
49 Davis, Korbin 570 Blue Harney Busy Bunnies
100 - Youth Livestock Show & Auction / Rabbits - Market / 020: Pen of 3 Fryers-4-5.5 lbs. <81 Days
17 Howard, Cole 54 Red Harney Busy Bunnies
138 Hedges, Cinch 727 Grand Champion Market Rabbit Harney Feathery Friends
138 Hedges, Cinch 727 Blue 1st Champion Pen of 3 Fryer Rabbits Harney Feathery Friends
100 - Youth Livestock Show & Auction / Rabbits - Market / 050: Market Rabbit Rate of Gain
17 Howard, Cole 191 1st Champion Market Rabbit Rate of Gain Harney Busy Bunnies
17 Howard, Cole 191 2nd Reserve Grand Champion Market Rabbit Harney Busy Bunnies
138 Hedges, Cinch 729 2nd Reserve Champion Market Rabbit Rate of Gain Harney Feathery Friends
100 - Youth Livestock Show & Auction / Rabbits - Production / 020: Heavywt Purebred Junior Doe <3 Months
19 Keerins, Rietta Louise 472 Blue 1st Champion Rabbit Heavyweight Purebred Junior Doe Harney Busy Bunnies
100 - Youth Livestock Show & Auction / Rabbits - Production / 040: Heavywt Purebred Senior Doe >6 Months
19 Keerins, Rietta Louise 45 Blue Harney Busy Bunnies
100 - Youth Livestock Show & Auction / Rabbits - Production / 110: Lightwt Purebred Senior Doe >6 Months
18 Weideman, Eli 35 Blue Harney Busy Bunnies
20 Weideman, Parker 42 Blue Harney Busy Bunnies
17 Howard, Cole 49 Blue Harney Busy Bunnies
17 Howard, Cole 50 Blue Harney Busy Bunnies
49 Davis, Korbin 568 Reserve Grand Champion Rabbit Breeding Buck Harney Busy Bunnies
49 Davis, Korbin 568 Blue Harney Busy Bunnies
100 - Youth Livestock Show & Auction / Rabbits - Production / 120: Lightwt Purebred Junior Buck <6 Months
19 Keerins, Rietta Louise 471 Grand Champion Rabbit Breeding Buck Harney Busy Bunnies
19 Keerins, Rietta Louise 471 Blue 1st Champion Rabbit Lightweight Purebred Junior Buck Harney Busy Bunnies
100 - Youth Livestock Show & Auction / Rabbits - Production / 130: Lightwt Purebred Senior Buck >6 Months
17 Howard, Cole 51 Blue Harney Busy Bunnies
121 Cox, Evelynn 781 Blue Harney Busy Bunnies
100 - Youth Livestock Show & Auction / Rabbits - Production / 200: Producing Doe
19 Keerins, Rietta Louise 474 Blue 1st Champion Rabbit Producing Doe Harney Busy Bunnies
100 - Youth Livestock Show & Auction / Rabbits - Production / 220: Bred & Owned Female
19 Keerins, Rietta Louise 476 Blue 1st Champion Rabbit Bred &amp; Owned Doe Harney Busy Bunnies
100 - Youth Livestock Show & Auction / Rabbits - Showmanship / 001: Rabbit Showmanship - Junior
18 Weideman, Eli 36 Blue Harney Busy Bunnies
20 Weideman, Parker 47 Blue Harney Busy Bunnies
121 Cox, Evelynn 672 Blue Junior Reserve Champion Rabbit Showmanship Harney Busy Bunnies
138 Hedges, Cinch 728 Reserve Grand Champion Rabbit Showmanship Harney Feathery Friends
138 Hedges, Cinch 728 Blue Junior Champion Rabbit Showmanship Harney Feathery Friends
100 - Youth Livestock Show & Auction / Rabbits - Showmanship / 002: Rabbit Showmanship - Intermediate
17 Howard, Cole 53 Blue 1st Intermediate Champion Rabbit Showmanship Harney Busy Bunnies
100 - Youth Livestock Show & Auction / Rabbits - Showmanship / 003: Rabbit Showmanship - Senior
19 Keerins, Rietta Louise 44 Grand Champion Rabbit Showmanship Harney Busy Bunnies
19 Keerins, Rietta Louise 44 Blue 1st Senior Champion Rabbit Showmanship Harney Busy Bunnies
100 - Youth Livestock Show & Auction / Rabbits - Showmanship / 004: Rabbit Showmanship - Pee Wee
49 Davis, Korbin 272 Blue 2nd Pee Wee Reserve Champion Rabbit Showmanship Harney Feathery Friends
89 Keerins, Jospeh 478 Blue 1st Pee Wee Champion Rabbit Showmanship Harney Busy Bunnies